> Projects
Official Presidential Portrait of John Adams by John Trumbull, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution
MASSACHUSETTS State Constitution 1780
The 1780 Constitution of Massachusetts is the oldest written constitution still in effect in in the United States (albeit heavily amended) and the first to be written by special convention. It is therefore worthy of special attention and provides an interesting point of contrast with the constitutions written for the younger western states in our portfolio.
This project is currently being undertaken through a combination of a collaboration with Stanford University and Brandeis University, where a member of the politics faculty and his graduate students are working on the archival material. The state of the archives poses particular challenges for this project.
The modelling of the Massachusetts Constitution began in 2019 and is yet to be completed and made public. A team of interns from Stanford, Brandeis and Harvard will be working on this project during the summer of 2020.