Job Opportunity: Trainee Digital Curator
Elizabeth and Grace, Quill trainee digital curators
This post with the Quill Project represents a unique opportunity for a recent graduate to receive on-the-job training in digital curation and the production of a digital edition.
Quill is a digital humanities research project based in Pembroke College, Oxford. Its online platform is designed to model the negotiation of texts within formal processes such as parliamentary-style debates. The work of the project includes the digitization and transcription of archival material, editing, analysing, and modelling the process of negotiation, and communicating the results of that research to a wide variety of audiences. More details of our methodology and published projects can be found at
The trainee digital curator will work alongside our experienced Digital Curation team to examine and classify new materials for display in the Quill platform, and to assist with the development and application of common standards across the portfolio of Quill projects.
This role would be suited to a recent humanities graduate with an interest in developing a career in documentary editing, digital publishing, or the heritage sector. The successful candidate will have excellent attention to detail and the ability to work accurately under pressure, as well as a proven interest in historical research and text-based analysis.
The post is fulltime in Pembroke College and is fixed term for one year with a start date of 4 October 2021. The salary is £22,800. Other benefits include a generous holiday allowance, lunch in College, and membership of the University pension scheme.
To apply, please read the job description carefully before submitting a CV and covering letter to Grace Penn at The deadline for applications is 9.00am on Monday 9 August 2021. The provisional date for interviews is Thursday 2 September.
Further information and the job description are available from the Pembroke Vacancies page.